God Granted Divine Speed to Obed-edom

BIBLE VERSE: And the ark of the Lord remained in the house of Obed-edom the Gittite three months, and the Lord blessed Obed-edom and all his household. [2 Samuel 6:11]

We are born with glorious Destinies but one way or the other, some destinies have been buried, stolen, truncated & even slowed down from manifesting. However, when Divine speed is in place, Destinies are transformed for better.

This was the story of Obed-Edom as seen in 2 Samuel 6.

From the aforementioned Bible verse, just within three months that Obed-Edom housed the ark of God, we saw how a nobody became somebody. We also saw how the curse of poverty was changed to God’s blessings.

Hear This: “You cannot house the ark of God lawfully & not be blessed bountifully”.

Beloved, do you know that the ark of God today represents the presence of God? You cannot have God with you & not experience divine speed for destiny transformation & fulfillment.

What are you housing in your life? Idols, Someone’s wife, husband, property, money or bitterness etc? To house the aforementioned in your life, is to be slowed down in destiny fulfillment.

PRAY THIS: Father, in your mercy, divinely transform my destiny for better.

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