Joseph Experienced Divine Speed

BIBLE VERSE: Thou shalt be over my house, and according unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater than thou. And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt. [Genesis 41:40-41]

The giver of this power of accomplishment and supernatural speed is God.

For example, what would normally take five or ten years to accomplish could be accomplished in a year.

When God grants a person divine speed, all that they have lost can be restored in a jiffy. As was the case with Joseph in Genesis 41.

The Joseph referenced here is the eleventh son of Jacob. We may have heard the story of Joseph and how he was hated by his brothers and sold into slavery. And how he was accused of attempted rape, and imprisoned for an offense he didn’t commit.

But when the time came for God to elevate him, he experienced divine speed. 

God elevated him in such a short time frame that he became Egypt’s prime minister the same day he came out of prison.

And in a single day he regained his dignity, his good name, freedom, and benefits. 

His status changed from prisoner to prime minister, he received a wife without paying dowry, and he was comforted. 

Without a doubt, he would have also received a royal accommodation and servants to go with it.

Best of all, he didn’t struggle or beg to have any of those things.

That could only have been God’s doing, for an accused rapist, foreigner, and prisoner to be made second in command to the king. The king didn’t even bother to investigate the allegations leveraged against Joseph. He received instant pardon and elevation.

Divine speed meant he got all those things without struggle or natural strength, and within a short time frame.

PRAY THIS: Father, let your hand be upon me to take me to heights greater than me, restore back unto me days that the locust has eaten, in Jesus mighty name.

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