When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
1 Corinthians 13:11

The Bible has clearly told us the difference between a child and an adult or mature person. Children speak first of all, before trying to understand what they have said, then think through what they have uttered. Adults/mature people, on the other hand, will think through what they are about to say, understand it, and then finally speak their thoughts. This explains why children make a lot of mistakes and like making unnecessary noise. The scripture says that sin is not absent in a multitude of words but that he who restrains his lips is wise, Proverbs 10:19. Maturity lies in the ability to control one's thoughts and choose carefully before acting on them. A man or woman who has not put away childish things cannot go far in life, cannot achieve much, and will most likely be treated like a child. It is easy for a child of God to grow into maturity by meditating on the Word and obeying the Word. Dearly beloved, are you a child or a man?

Have a Blessed Day.