Inadequate Preparation Delays the Opening of Doors...

Brethren, which doors do you want to open in your life? Is it academic excellence, marriage, business, or something else? The question is, how prepared are you?

In Matthew 25:1-13 Jesus taught us that both the wise and foolish virgins went to meet the bridegroom, but only the wise ones were prepared with extra oil. Similarly, we must prepare ourselves for the opportunities and challenges ahead.

Remember it is written in Galatians 6 : 7 that, Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

So what are you sowing today, is it good or a bad fruit.

Good preparation is important to success in any important task.

Obtaining a good job requires preparation by training or education.

A good education requires preparation by studying for tests and assignments.

Good meals require preparation by planning a menu, buying groceries, cooking, etc.

A successful marriage requires preparation by maturity and responsibility, learning to get along with others, choosing the right person to marry, etc.

In many areas of life success is directly proportional to good preparation.

Preparation is also essential in order to serve God successfully and receive eternal life.

To be prepared means to be ready, to provide ahead of time the things needed to accomplish a task. It includes anything we need to do or provide ahead of time in order to succeed.

This whole life can be viewed as a time of preparation for eternity.

God praised ants for their wisdom, because they provide food in the summer and so are prepared for winter. Preparation is a sign of wisdom. (Proverbs 30:24-25)

Even God Himself prepared for many of His works.

Psalms 9:7 – He prepares judgment for the wicked.

Psalms 31:19 – He prepares goodness for His people.

Isaiah 40:3; Luke 1:17 – He sent John the Baptist to prepare for the coming of Jesus.

So dear, start preparing today, for a better tomorrow.

SAY THIS: Heavenly Father, help me to prepare myself for the opportunities and challenges ahead. Give me wisdom and guidance as I seek to serve You and achieve my goals in Jesus' name. Amen.

May God bless and guide you as you prepare for a better tomorrow!

Please don't forget to share to bless others.