No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God. [Luke 9:62]

Have you ever started something with great enthusiasm, only to lose focus and turn back? Maybe it was a new habit, a relationship, or a spiritual commitment.

Jesus teaches us that following Him requires unwavering dedication. When we put our hand to the plow, we must keep moving forward, eyes fixed on the horizon.

Looking back can lead to distraction, lost sight purpose and division of hearts between two directions.

Remember Lot's wife! [Luke 17:32]

The story of Lot's wife serves as a cautionary tale. As they fled Sodom, she looked back, longing for what she left behind (Genesis 19:26). Her hesitation turned her into a pillar of salt.

Beloved, What are you holding onto from your past?
How does worldly desires hinder your spiritual growth?
Pray for the courage to release the past and press on.

PRAY THIS: Dear Lord, Help me leave the past behind and fix my eyes on You. Give me strength to move forward, undistracted by worldly desires. May my heart be fully committed to Your kingdom in Jesus name. AMEN!

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