PHILIPPIANS 4:19 NIV 19 And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

God can use any avenue or any means to provide for you, but He is the ultimate Source behind every blessing.

Your job or occupation is one avenue God can use to bless you. But, your job is not your source.

God's plan for mankind is that we labor. So God will usually provide for us by giving us a good job, good health, and the ability to do that job.

However, God is not limited to providing for you through a job. Even if you lose the job -- God is still your Source, and He will still provide for you.

Even if you lose your health, God can and will still provide for you. (And He will also heal you, if you let Him.)

God can bless you through friends and relatives, but they are not your source. Even if they fail you or forsake you, God will not.

PSALM 27:10 NKJ 10 When my father and my mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.

HEBREWS 13:5 NKJ 5 Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you."

God deserves credit and thanks for everything good that has ever happened to you. He was behind it. God was the source of it. Was it a mother's love? God put that love in her for you. Was it the love of a spouse? God created that love.

Every good thing in life owes its existence to God. We should thank God for every good thing, no matter how it seems to come to us.

God moves on people and influences them to bless you. God causes situations to work out for your benefit. God is behind every blessing.

So keep your eyes on God. Thank Him for every blessing, no matter how it comes to you, because it is from Him.

SAY THIS: God is MY Source.

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