Proverbs 16:18
Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.

Proverbs 29:23
A man's pride will bring him low, but he who is of a humble spirit will obtain honor.

Pride is the unashamed refusal to acknowledge God as the basic, reason, and the principal factor for any results you may have. Before any man falls, he may always look like he cannot fall until it happens. There is nobody who cannot go down.

In the presence of greatness, pride will always come to test you, because something happens to men when they become great. 

One indicator of Pride is your inability to place value on people's meaning to you. When people do not matter to you, it is an indicator that you are suffering from pride.

As God lifts you and you rise, the first thing to verify is if pride is present.

Be careful when men applaud you and communicate that nothing works without you. Because, every house is indeed built by someone, but God is The Master Builder of all.

Your passion to remain must exceed by far, your passion to be known. If your passion to be known is greater than than your passion to remain, you will be popular, but you won't last. (This is what brought Lucifer down from heaven)

My dear, rejected pride and decide that your life will never become a lesson for or a memorial of a life that did not las, due to pride. When you go down in life, it takes God's mercy for men to remember your exploit.

The solution to deal with pride, is to acknowledge God in all your ways. [Proverbs 3:6]


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