Divine Speed

What Is Divine? Divine is something pertaining to God (God centred), Supernatural or Heavenly.

What Is Speed? Speed is the state of moving quickly, the capacity for rapid motion, progress or the ability to go fast.

Therefore, Divine Speed means to be Supernaturally supported to make rapid progress.

BIBLE VERSE: “And the hand of the Lord was on Elijah; and he girded up his loins, and ran before Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel” [1 Kings 18:46].

Everybody in life hates delay, retrogression, backwardness or setback. We want to have our projects accomplished on time & reach our goal without dillydallying. For us to get things done as at when due or still get them done even when we think we are lagging behind, we need Divine Speed.

Your Excellency, to try to go through life by the reason of Human Speed (depending solely on others) is to soon be brought down unexpectedly. To also go through life by your own speed (depending solely on self) is to keep struggling through life.

To go far & fast in life, we need the Supernatural support of the Almighty God. He says in His word that without Him, we can do nothing. John 15:5 “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.”

In [1 Kings 18:46], we saw how the hand of God rested upon the prophet Elijah which made him cover a distance of at least 16 miles in a jiffy!

Thankfully, the same kind of speed that Elijah enjoyed is still accessible to mankind today provided that we:
Truly acknowledge that we’ve reached your wit’s end (not knowing what to do) and are now open to divine help as our last resort.

Acknowledge the Almighty God as the only true source of divine help.

Let go of our achievements, pride, ego etc and obey His instructions for divine speed.

SAY THIS: I receive the blessings that birth divine speed, in Jesus’ name!

Gob bless you for reading.
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