The Declarations

Hebrews 11:34: “BY FAITH they quenched the violence of FIRE.” They showed and released their FAITH by their WORDS! The 3 boys were very brave. They believed in God and made 3 declarations of their faith, each one on a higher level than the last:


Daniel 3:16: “O Nebuchadnezzar we are not careful to answer you in this matter.” (NOT: “Give us a hour to get together and discuss your proposal and we will get back to you!” but: “We don't have to think hard about how to answer you, we have made our decision, because our mind is already made up! We have already decided which God we will serve.”

Never bow to intimidation. “Our mind is made up. If you throw us into the Fire, OUR GOD, whom we serve IS ABLE TO DELIVER US from the burning fiery furnace” (v17a).

“We are not scared or intimidated by you, our God is greater.” Nebuchadnezzar had said: “Who is that God that shall deliver you?” They said: “Our God is able! Our God is bigger than you.”
Not just GOD, but OUR GOD. We have a covenant with God.

RISE UP and SAY in the pressure:
“Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world.
OUR GOD IS ABLE! Nothing is impossible with God.”
Proclaim in the pressure: “MY God is able!”
Whatever you are facing: “He is able to deliver and help.”
Whatever financial need or sickness: “He is able.”
If he heats the furnace 7 times hotter: “He is able to deliver me.”
Do you believe: “Our God is able”?
The God Who created the universe is able! The God Who split the Red Sea is able! The God Who does mighty wonders is able!

In trouble, the first thing we must proclaim is:
“My God is ABLE! He is able to deliver me. He is able to heal me. He is able to save me from the fiery furnace. He is able
to set me free.” They said: “OUR God is ABLE to deliver us.”

Then they said: “and He WILL deliver us out of your hand,
O King” (Daniel 3:17b). That's the spirit of FAITH! Not only is He able to do it, He WILL do it! They knew God would not let them down. God is Faithful! The king said: “BOW or BURN.”
They said: “We will not BOW, and we will not BURN!”

You cannot win by compromising. What you compromise to keep you will lose. You also lose your honour, self-respect and inner strength. But if you stand firm, refuse to give up and trust yourself to God you can't lose. God will not let your problems destroy you, if you will trust Him completely. Let God be your Source of Deliverance. You have nothing to lose by trusting God. Because if you compromise you will lose it all anyway.

I used to think their 2nd Confession of Faith is the highest Level of faith and that they should have stopped there, but they went on to make a 3rd declaration.

To be continued...