And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9

Let us take the example of a leaky tap with its water dripping out slowly, bit by bit a while, the continuous and consistent leaking might cause an uncontrollable erosion. This example best describes "the power of consistency".

As Christians, when we became born-again, we suddenly have a great zeal to do the works of God. There is also eagerness to pray and fast, we even had the anticipation to grow fast to the level of the fathers in faith. But then, the manifestation of all this boils down to how consistent you are.

Consistency is not a new message, it is a life you must live in your spiritual journey for tangible productivity that will both benefits you and the kingdom of God.

You don’t know the power of prayers, until you learn to be consistent. You can’t fathom how far it will take you and how deep your spiritual experiences will be until you’ve learned to make use of it daily and always. This is Bible’s prescription.

Luke 18:1 KJV “And he spake a parable unto them to this end , that men OUGHT ALWAYS to pray, and not to faint” (emphasis added).

Consistency is the spirit that builds and heighten your hunger for God.
It will give you a fresh taste of God’s presence.
Consistency in meditating on the word will keep your heart fresh and your mind focus in your walk with God.
Consistency in prayer will keep you alive in the spirit.
It will lightens your spirit and increase the level of your spiritual discernment.

Every activity in this life is tied to a spirit. And you attract them when you become consistent in doing that very thing. You will struggle to take Alcohol when you start drinking but overtime it becomes easy to drink it and then after a while the Alcohol drinks you. You are unable to stay without drinking because the spirit of alcoholism has acknowledged your consistency and has honored it. When the spirit is attracted to now rule you, we call it addiction.

Becareful what you do consistently, the spirit behind it will visit overtime whether lying, pornography, borrowing, insulting, immoral thoughts etc.

In the same vein, if you pray consistently for a longtime. You attract divine forces. If you practice holiness for a while, you attract some forces from heaven that will come and work in you to keep holiness on. If fasting is difficult, keep trying. When the Spirit arrives you will do it with ease.

The Supernatural responds to consistency. Stop the evil you are practicing before a demon invites himself into your life by reason of your consistency.
 And be consistent with godliness until the divine forces of God come upon you to make that lifestyle very easy to live. Be consistent!!!

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