Hope you are doing great.
Have you read your bible today? 🤔
Have you prayed today?🤔

Revelation 2:5(AMP)
Remember then from what heights you have fallen. Repent (change the inner man to meet God's will and do the works you did previously [when first you knew the Lord], or else I will visit you and remove your lampstand from its place unless you change your mind and repent.

For most of us, our love has gone down, for some we have hit down so hard that we are not sure if we shall make it in this journey. We keep hearing voices that keep on discouraging us saying,
'you are a failure, God will not accept you again, you are not too good, others are doing better than you, and so on.

📌... Beloved, before you take any step, hold on to your faith, as long as you are still alive God has not judged you, He has not condemned you.

📌... Yes, the love is gone, the hunger you once had is gone, that intimacy, that fire, and that zeal can nowhere be found. God calls you this day to turn back to Him in repentance. God calls you to go back and do what you did at first that made you grow so much. Beloved, go back to your first love and amend our ways with the Lord before He finally comes to judge.

📌... If only you are willing to turn again to Him and do the works you did when you first knew him, you will rise again.

God bless you for reading.
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