Exodus 32:1-26, Joshua 24:14-28

In the face of the slightest pain or a sad event, individuals often find themselves questioning their convictions.
Even those who were once fervently devoted to God and burning with passion for Him may become disheartened, losing their zeal and abandoning their faith.
In these challenging times, it is crucial that we allow the guidance of the Holy Spirit to examine our current spiritual position. It is important for us to reflect on where we truly stand, as believers in Christ.

The Implications (Merits) of Being on The Lord’s Side:

1. The Lord’s side is the side of protection and preservation
(Psalms 63:8, John 17:12, 2 Timothy 1:12, Psalm 20:5-7, Zechariah 1:21, Jeremiah 17:9).
In the world we live in, no level of security can provide absolute protection against various forms of spiritual, physical, and emotional harm.
Being on The Lord’s side means immunity against the wickedness and mayhem that plagues our world.
There are altars (spiritual strongholds) and opposition that confronted those who preceded you.
The days coming will require supernatural protection and preservation.
“Who is on The Lord’s side?” is a question that distinguishes those who are committed to safeguarding the divine protection and preservation of Elohim.
In these times, it is crucial for us to acknowledge that the human heart is desperately wicked.
It would be naive to assume that everyone holds genuine affection for you.
As you make the decision to be a blessing, it is essential to recognize that Satan is observing and closely monitoring your progress. He will exert all possible efforts to hinder you.
It is risky to live your life without God’s protection and preservation.
Lift up your voice in prayer and begin to prophesy protection and preservation over your life, family, and ministry.
The higher you rise in life, the more you must learn to understand the mystery of preservation.

2. The Lord’s side is the side of power. (Jeremiah 32:17, Number 23:21, 1 Corinthians 14:10)
In this world, you need power: power to subdue, power to resist.
Any gathering where your name is being mentioned for evil may fire consume it, in the name of Jesus!
For a minister here, any attack orchestrated to fight your mantle and relevance, it goes down, in the name of Jesus!
Engaging in business or ministry in this world without the empowerment of divine power can leave you vulnerable to becoming a casualty.
It takes power to be wealthy and to retain wealth!
“Who is on The Lord’s side” refers to those who are actively seeking to obtain the power necessary to remain steadfast and continue their journey.
3. The Lord’s side is the side of victory.
(Psalm 118:15, 1 Corinthians 15:57, Psalm 34:19)
4. The Lord’s side is the side of joy and pleasure.
(Psalm 16:11, John 16:24, Matthew 7:7-8, Luke 11:13, Matthew 7:13, Daniel 1:8, Job 22:29)
If you are not in God’s presence and on His right side, joy will inevitably be absent in your life.
Mathew 7:7-8 (KJV)
7. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
8. for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.
Those who win in this season, are those who choose The Lord’s side.
You will live a very sad and defeated life by all standards if you reject The Lord’s side.
5. The Lord’s side is the side of rest roundabout.
(Matthew 11:28, Genesis 24:1)
When you choose The Lord’s side, you may experience momentary discomfort; it may cost you, but The Lord’s side is a path that ultimately leads to a state of rest roundabout.
As a believer, make up your mind that no matter what happens, you will always be on The Lord’s side.
Pray: Lord, no matter what it may cost me, I love You and I choose to always be on The Lord’s side, in the name of Jesus!

Who is on The Lord’s side?

1. One who has received the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus and Him alone.
(John 1:11-12, Romans 5:1-2)
You cannot be on The Lord’s side if you have rejected Jesus. Accepting Jesus is beyond mere fanaticism or responding to an altar call.
It is a call to establish a genuine and functional relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ.
1 John 5:11-12 (KJV)
And if we know that he hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
John 3:16-17 KJV, Acts 4:12 KJV, John 21:17 KJV, Romans 10:13 KJV, Galatians 3:13-14 KJV, Romans 10:8-10 KJV
To be on The Lord’s side, it is imperative that you willingly and consciously receive the gift of eternal life.
Encouraging people to embrace salvation should not involve being antagonistic, fanatical, or aggressive, as even God respects their free will. It is important to lead lost souls to Jesus Christ by first interceding for them.
The good news about salvation is that you do not have to pay the price for it again. Jesus has already paid it all on your behalf.
2. One who has chosen to submit to the leadership of The Holy Spirit (Romans 8:9,  Romans 8:14-17)
The Holy Spirit operates in a threefold ministry:
  • To creation.
  • To unbelievers.
  • To believers.
The Holy Spirit has a three-fold dimension to believers:
I. The ministry of activating your spiritual organs.
II. The ministry of revelation.
III. The Ministry of Empowerment.
Consecration extends beyond the issue of sin. It is the constraining power that empowers you to fulfill your calling and mandate.
Consecration is characterized by the ability to discern and refrain from saying yes to everything, even if it appears to be good.
(1 Corinthians 10:23)
All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.
3. One who has chosen to submit to the supremacy of The Word of God in all matters. Matthew 4:4
4. One who has chosen to live a life of consecration and sacrifice.  2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 1 John 2:15-17
Hebrews 12:1
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,
Every divine call, anointing, and mandate requires a corresponding consecration that protects it.
If you have a call but do not prioritize and embrace the required consecration for that specific calling, you will lose it.
5. One who has chosen to be an active part of God’s Kingdom advancement/end-time agenda. Isaiah 6:8
Kingdom advancement refers to every and any scriptural mechanism deployed to enthrone Christ in the hearts of men and every stratum of human activities.

Dimensions of God’s end-time agenda:

1. World evangelization
2. Equipping of the saints
3. Societal transformation

In the advancement of God’s kingdom, He is primarily interested in:

1. The spirits of mankind.
2. Their minds.
James 4:6 KJV
But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.
6. One who has chosen to walk in humility as a lifestyle.
(James 4:6, Philemon 1:6)
The moment God begins to lift you, you must be intentional about remaining humble.
Humility is a retainer of honor, while pride is one of the fastest ways of losing anything God gives you.
The greatest enemy of great people is their current level of achievement.
(Philemon 1:6)
Whenever God lifts you, He lifts you, so that He can be seen through you.
He lifts you so that His glory shines through your life.

Pray over your life, focusing on these six key points that highlight the importance of being on the Lord’s side. As you engage in prayer, genuinely express your heartfelt desire to remain on the Lord’s side both now and for all eternity.
Father, we declare that we’re ever available. Thank You for showing us profound mercy, and right now, I declare that we have chosen to be on the Lord’s side forever, in the name of Jesus!
Grant us longevity of impact, we pray that everything that will be a distraction to our Kingdom pursuit, let it be far from us, in the name of Jesus!