▫️Part 2️⃣: There is a sister in the fellowship who just became your friend. You begin to chat every day.

As you chat, you can see fire and passion building inside of you gradually.

You sense in your spirit that you need to withdraw but then you think,.....

— ‘She is a believer.
— We pray and share scriptures together.

Nothing can happen. ....✍️

She keeps visiting and then one evening, you just finished discussing some scriptures when you are both rolling on the floor, fondling each other like starved lions , clothes flung aside.

When you finish, you wonder how that happened even though you were reading scriptures few minutes ago.

Imagine a man at the height of passion and he is muttering, ‘Holy Spirit, help me.’ ...Which Holy Spirit ?


Have you noticed the way sexual thoughts just descend on our minds at will?

They don’t even fear that you are reading the Word 📖

In the middle of reading a chapter, they creep in.

In church, while the Pastor is preaching, your mind just suddenly wanders to a lady 👧 in your compound who came out of her flat that morning, half naked.

You must be armed with scriptures to dispel those thoughts.

Romans 12:2 says we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. Spend time with the Word.

The psalmist said,.....✍️

God’s Word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against the thee

The Word washes out those nonsense pictures and images our mind have picked in the course of the day.

There are some images that we never called for.

They popped out on our phones 📱 or we see them as we go about our daily activities. It is as we come before the Word that our minds are cleansed and refilled with God’s thoughts again.

8️⃣. WHEN YOU FEEL A STRONG URGE TO HAVE SEX: ....do something to distract you.

It is not at that time you turn on the TV 📺 or scroll endlessly on social media.

If you do that, you’ll be fanning those desires and giving the flesh room to explore.

Imagine pouring grains of sugar on the floor and asking ants 🐜 not to pay a visit.

Do something spiritual....✍️

Listen to a song 🎶 or sermon, read a Christian literature, pray with friends, check up on your parent or sibling and just laugh and talk.

— Those urges don’t last long.
— They will disappear once there is nothing to hold on to.


If you are struggling with sexual temptation, whether sex itself, sex chat or pornography, one of the radical ways to handle it is to completely trust God for deliverance.

When it happens, (I’m not saying this for it to happen), don’t forget to remind yourself on your identity in Christ ✝️.

— You are God’s Son.
— You are the righteousness of God in Christ.
— Nothing can separate you from God’s love.

Remind yourself that you are seated in heavenly places in Christ and your struggle has already been dealt with.

Say it again and again until you completely shut the mouth of the accuser.

Don’t start condemning yourself. It’s the devil’s strategy to keep you going in the same circle.

Hold your shield of faith high and then when your head is so full of your position in Christ, you’ll find that ....there is peace in your heart and a confidence to hear the Holy Spirit show you what made you slip and how to stand firm.

You do not have any business listening to the devil.

Whatever happened is between you and God.

God sees your motive and knows you sincerely want to live a life pleasing to him. He understands that you deeply want to please Him.

Your unflinching focus on Christ when you fall into sexual temptation proves that you trust the finished works of Christ.

We are assured that we can rest on the integrity of God’s Word.

It shows that you are confident in the new life that you have received.

Your faith and not your ceaseless cries is the victory that overcomes this corrupt world 🌍.

When you discard your assurance as a son, it’ll be difficult for you to receive help.

So it is either you are listening to the devil or taking a stand in your profession of faith, believing that because you are a son, you have overcome.


People will say all manner of things when you decide to wait for God to lead you to your spouse.

They’ll make you feel you are wasting your time by staying celibate.

The Media will push at you the reasons why you should have sex as a single.

How penetration is difficult when you get to a certain age and why you need to try it out before that time.

Some will even say it is by having sex that the sexual urges reduces.

You will be frustrated at times because of the absence of physical intimacy. At these times, remember that the word is our compass.

If the Word says we have self-control, then we trust the word. 

If God says, wait patiently for me and I’ll direct your path.

We know for sure that it is ours. Every time, we put the Word before us.

Each victory will make you stronger. That desire may look like, if you don’t respond right now, you will faint. Na lie abeg. It will pass.


The kind of friends you keep will either draw you towards sexual purity or plunge you deep into pre-marital sex.

Ask God to send you friends who are passionate about Him. 

Friends who will constantly stir your heart towards spiritual things.


We must not deceive ourselves. Pornography or sex chats is as much a sin as the real act of sex.

Don’t get on your high horse condemning those involved in sexual immorality while you continue to indulge in pornography or sex. 

You are an hypocrite if you do that.....You need help as much as they do.

.....Be compassionate with those who are struggling....Even if you are not struggling with any form of sexual temptation, remember your duty in the body of Christ to help others.

No true believer desires to indulge in premarital sex, some just don’t know the way out. 

It is our duty as ministers of the new Testament to prayerfully strengthen their faith in Christ.

Let me say this as I Conclude.......✍️

We can’t stop birds from flying over our heads but we can stop them from building a nest on our head

▪️ Spend time in the Word 📖  and in prayers 🙏. 

▪️ Grow in your intimacy with God. 

....This is how self control is continually birthed.

......This is how we maintain sanity in this corrupt world that seeks to fan our sexual desires outside of God’s plan. 

When we continually walk in the Spirit, we won’t give in to the desires of our flesh.

I Drop My Pen....✍️

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.... ..☎ CONTACT "Evangelist Paulinus Paul" 2tru WhatsApp  (+2348064736679).