The Cure For Weak Faith

MARK 6:6 NIV 6 And he was amazed at their lack of faith. Then Jesus went around teaching from village to village.

Don't despair if your faith is weak. Everyone starts out with weak faith.

Your faith can be fed and grow strong.

Faith requires evidence to rest upon. The Bible provides the evidence that your faith needs.

ROMANS 10:l7 NEW LIFE 17 So then, faith comes to us by hearing the Good News. And the Good News comes by someone preaching it.

Correct teaching on a subject produces faith in your heart.

But it is not enough just to hear teaching on a subject. To keep your faith strong you must feed on scriptures pertaining to that subject, by reading, speaking, and thinking about those scriptures.

And you must exercise your faith for it to grow strong. That is: act on what you learn from Scripture.

Your faith can be strong in one area while being weak in another. For example, most Christians have strong faith concerning the new birth, but weak faith concerning healing, because they have never heard much teaching on the subject of healing.

It is true, as Jesus said in Matthew 4:4, that we need every word that God has spoken -- not just some of them.

So, if you want your faith to grow in any area, listen to anointed teaching on that subject, then continue to read, speak, meditate, and act on those scriptures.

SAY THIS: I will feed my faith on God's Word and it will grow.

Good richly bless you for reading...

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