The most humble man on earth ( Numbers 12:3)

What do we learn from Moses? We know he did not take pride in being brought up in the Palace. In fact he left it. He told God that he could not speak like his brother, but nevertherless he complied and did what God wanted him to do. He did what God asked him to do.

Basically, he was humble because of obedience. He was like any other in many ways but he did what God asked of him. He also listened to his father-in-law to reorganize and empower other people. Frankly speaking, obedience is a barometer for humility. We who refused to do something when asked by our superior is because of resentment. We did not want others to have a better of us. It is also disagreement, because we think that our ideas are better. We do not follow the directive because the person who asked us to do so is a person we did not acknowledge as our boss.

It is personal pride that prevents us from doing what others want us to do. The heart of man actually want to be better than others. He wants fame, wealth and position. These will make him refuse to submit to anyone. It is personal pride also to refuse duties or reponsibility. Why is this so? Because we do not want to have anything to do with other people. Because we want to be free and not be subject to the will of men. We want to avoid criticism because we do not want to be seen as faulty or failure. We do not want others to make negative comments so as to shame us. The only way is not to accept responsibility. This is pride, not humility. Some people said that they cannot do it saying they are not good enough. We think that that is humility, but actually he is trying to avoid responsibility.

But the heart of man will change if God’s love dwells in him and change him. If the Spirit of God dwells in us, we will know what true love is. True love brings humility in our heart. Have you ever felt jealous when someone else did something better than you? Or have you ever felt being happy for someone who did something good? Jealousy is part of pride; we do not want others to be better than us. When we want others to be better than us, love is evident. Submission to the will of God, whom we cannot see is humility.

Learn to love so that we will experience humility.


Proverbs 11:2
When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.

Pray to God to rescue you from foolish pride and help you learn from his gentle and humble heart in Jesus name.

Have a blissful day😘