Bible Text: Luke 7:37-50; Romans 5:20-21

Memory Verse: So that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Romans 5:21, NIV

Throughout the world, it takes the grace of God for lawyers or Jurists to establish the truth concerning any case placed before them. Oftentimes, bribery takes the lead and righteousness is swept under the carpet. In most cases, the guilty is set free while the just is punished, as a result of such practices.
Sin abounded among the Jews and to those of them that were converted to the faith in Christ. Grace abound much more in the remitting of so much guilt and the subduing of so much corruption. That the terrors of the law might make the Gospel – comfort so much sweeter. The reign of a tyrant and oppressor is foiled to set off the succeeding reign of a just and gentle Jesus, and to make it more illustrious, so doth the reign of sin set off the reign of grace. Sin reigns unto death which was a cruel bloody reign. But grace reign to life, and through this righteousness, right sense and lifestyle were imputed to us for justification and implanted in us for sanctification. Through Jesus Christ, who is the great Prophet, Priest, and the King of His Church, the reign of righteousness was established in us.
We are expected to rule and exhibit righteousness everywhere we find ourselves, especially at this end time.

Insight: Do not hide the reign of righteousness in you.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to walk in righteousness always.

RBT Passage: Revelation 8-11